E-Commerce Product Data Enrichment | Get a Competitive Edge

Gain hidden insights into how your competitors are using E-Commerce Product Enrichment to price their offers, optimize descriptions and earn more revenue.

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E-Commerce Product Data Enrichment | Get a Competitive Edge

How to take your store to the next level with E-Commerce Product Data Enrichment

Are you running an E-Commerce store, focusing on Amazon FBA or Dropshipping? 

If that's the case and you feel like you've been left in the dark about not knowing how to:

- Price your products

- Properly position them

- Target your specific audience

That's okay. We've been there...

It wasn't until we developed the proper E-Commerce Product Data Enrichment Strategy that we were able to properly compete in the market and skyrocket our revenue.

The funny thing is that most E-Commerce stores don't take ANY time to improve their product positioning, barely do any competitive analysis, forget about optimizing their funnels and struggle to identify who their customers actually are.

And that is why having a data-driven advantage now is easier than ever.

Right now you may be thinking that you simply need to enrich your products, but if you keep reading, we will show you the exact process that top E-Commerce stores use to double if not triple their revenue.

What is E-commerce Product Data Enrichment?

Ecommerce product data enrichment is the art and science of enhancing your product listings to make them more detailed, accurate, and appealing.

It's not just about providing basic product information; it's about painting a complete picture of each product, making it irresistible to potential buyers.

This process involves refining product descriptions, integrating high-quality images, optimizing for search engines, and much more.

How We Can Help: We're here to transform your E-commerce store through better product listings, funnels, and competitive intelligence to increase your revenue.

The DataZn E-Commerce Data Enrichment Process

We separate the DataZn E-Commerce Optimization Process into three different phases.

1. Winning Conversion Rate Optimization

We analyze your current state of your store and utilize our 50-CRO-Tactics Cheatsheet to increase your conversion rates.

Below are some issues that we fix in this phase

Lack of Customer Feedback Integration

Are potential buyers leaving your site due to uncertainty, given the absence of reviews and ratings?

How We Address It:

We seamlessly integrate genuine customer feedback, instilling confidence in potential buyers.

Incomplete Product Descriptions

Are your product descriptions lacking depth, leading to customer queries and potential returns? A comprehensive description can be the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity.

How We Address It: We craft detailed and precise product descriptions based on competitor analysis and modern copywriting principles, ensuring your customers have all the information they need at their fingertips.

Subpar Visual Representation

Do your product images fail to capture the true essence of what you're selling, causing potential buyers to second-guess their choices?

How We Address It: Our team ensures that every product is represented with high-resolution images, highlighting every intricate detail.

Uncompetitive Pricing

Are you losing customers to competitors due to uncompetitive pricing?

How We Address It: Through competitor price intelligence, we analyze market trends and competitor prices, helping you set the most appealing prices.

Inefficient Product Discovery

Are customers finding it hard to locate their desired products on your platform?

How We Address It: We implement advanced search features and filters, simplifying product discovery.

Neglecting Global Audience Needs

Struggling to cater to a diverse global audience due to language and currency barriers?

How We Address It:

We offer localization services, tailoring product details in multiple languages and currencies.

2. Increase AOV

In this phase we improve your E-Commerce funnels to increase your AOV and help you generate more Revenue.

Missed Cross-Selling Opportunities

Are you missing out on increasing your average order value by not showcasing related products effectively?

How We Address It: We strategically present related and complementary products, encouraging customers to explore more.

Missed Upselling Opportunities

Are you missing out on increasing your average order value by not having any upsells or not knowing what to upsell.

How We Address It: We strategically present related products post-purchase to increase the AOV of your store.

3. DataZn Precision Targeting

And this right here is probably the least known strategy in the E-Commerce space that only the top tier stores know about.

But it so happens to be the bread and butter of what we do.

What if I told you that you could understand exactly who your customers are, what they love and how they act?

Before we tell you how, here is the typical process that E-Commerce Stores use to scale.

1. They build a mediocre store that converts with a single product.

2. They then run ads on TikTok and Facebook. Some stop after losing money, some actually understand paid advertising and are able to scale to a couple hundred thousand per month.

Of course they often use Facebook's Lookalike targeting for some of their campaigns which of course works.

But the data facebook returns on your customers is extremely limited, and most stores stop there. But We will show you how you can take your marketing to the next level.

The Audience Enrichment Process

Before running any campaigns, what we do is we get the list of your previous customers, and we enrich it with external attributes, to give you hidden insights as to who actually makes up your audience.

A real-life example will do a better job of illustrating this point.

Let's say you run an E-Commerce store selling Coffee beans and you have a list of 2000 previous E-Commerce customers.

We would take this list and enrich it with third-party data.

After enrichment, what we discover is that out of your 2000 customers, 70% happen to be males that love video games, and Indie Music.

This is what we call a targeting gem.

And This is the impact that this information can have on your store.

- You adjust your copywriting to focus on this audience segment, increasing your conversion rates from 1% to 1.5% resulting in 150% increase in revenue.

- You partner with other E-Commerce stores that sell video-game related products or Indie-Music related products and establish mutual affiliate structures to promote each others products, adding an additional revenue stream to your business.

- You Go to Facebook and layer this audience together to target only your most common customers doubling your ROI on your Paid Ads campaigns.

Of course these are just some examples, but it should give you an idea of what's possible.

Schedule a Free Data Consultation Below

So if you no longer want to be left in the dark, want to understand what data is needed to make the best decisions, and improve your E-Comthen just schedule a Free consultation here

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